- Melina Charles
Interesting, experimental and unpredictable, ‘The Farthest Possible Distance You Can Be Away Away Away From Me’ does not follow traditional audience/performer etiquette.
Instead the audience become an integral aspect of the experience providing a landscape, stimulus and ideas. Lines between performers and audience members are creatively blended through a series of instructions to create a unique journey for all involved, rather than a ‘show’.
This is a collaboration between Melbourne-based Scott Sneddon and Brisbane-based Charles Ball first shown at IndepenDANCE 2017, leading to this year’s second development as part of the Supercell festival of contemporary dance. Sneddon is a part of the experience via a live feed directing the participants and dancers and sharing his personal long distance relationship woes, a major
inspiration for the piece. Performers Felix Palmerston, Lauren Sherlock and Georgia Pierce do a great job of facilitating connections between audience members and Sneddon. The use of technology with two simultaneous live feeds shown on a screen enhances this project and adds to the central theme of distance.
An exciting and innovative exploration about connection and the spaces between us ’The Farthest Possible Distance You Can Be Away Away Away From Me’ was performed at the Judith Wright Centre on Saturday, 17 February 2018.