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  • Janette McBride


Greg Larsen

Greg Larsen had the audience hanging on every word as he built up stories with meticulous detail and suddenly dropped both twisted and hilarious punch lines. Speaking to a full house, his easy-going approach made the audience feel like his mates swapping stories over beer and a BBQ in his brand new, one-night-only show, Greg ‘Live’, at the Bris Funny Fest.

While he might be well known for his television appearances and Melbourne International Comedy Festival victories, Brisbane was treated to Greg’s new material at Heya Bar with laid-back, yet hysterical anecdotes. The audience consistently laughed out loud, enjoying every bit of his sharp observations and tales, including the council’s pyramid schemes, people with just 10 points of IQ above a mental disability, and his sarcastic, sexist, rough draft of a new fast food commercial.

Greg is also clearly passionate about democracy, making change, and speaking out against moronic social and political activities. He aired his opinions about ignoring global warming and the downfall of Queensland-cop-turned-One-Nation candidate, Mark Ellis (for which Greg claims personal involvement).

Kudos to Greg for his boldness, for perhaps only he can remind us to take a stand, create real change, and not bathe in dirty political baths.


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