La Verità means ‘the truth’ in English, but if it translated to 'the highlight of the Brisbane festival’ it certainly wouldn’t be telling any porky pies.
The surreal performance juxtaposes a Dali-like dream state with everyday life. In a traditional circus, the acts would be the sole focus — we are trained to keep our eyes on the acrobat, contortionist, juggler, or whoever is performing in the ring at the time. However, the director — whose accomplishments range from Cirque du Soleil to (opening and closing) Olympic ceremonies — encourages the audience to see something special in mundane details.
The performers, aged between 27—54 years old, are incredibly talented and have a plethora of experience. Each international cast member, including the two clowns, sing and dance. At first, the show depicts organised chaos within a Dali setting; that is, until the viewer embraces La Verità is actually imitating life. The audience is reminded that whether it be in a dream or real life, if something important or crucial is unfolding, there is always something menial happening around the subject. A real-life example would be when an employee asks their boss for a payrise, a colleague might simultaneously walk past and spill coffee down their shirt.
Realising the need to take in the surrounds, rather than having tunnel vision on one subject, is a beautiful and epiphanic experience, especially in this age of smart phones and social media.
La Verità is showing at the Brisbane Festival until September 24, 2016.