Flesh. Lots of flesh. But not in the style of a seductive burlesque. No, Blanc de Blanc is a lewd, crude, lascivious and naughty show. It’s the perfect recipe for a Spiegeltent, and it’s wonderful!
Champagne is the metaphor for this show, which focuses solely on hedonism. Although disjointed at times, Blanc de Blanc is thoroughly entertaining. Making parallels between the experiences of consuming champagne to the experiences of life, anyone who has enjoyed a bottle of champagne within a romantic situation will relate. From popping the cork, to losing inhibitions after consumption, Blanc de Blanc is an effervescent two-hour journey.
Like any production with circus elements, many of the cast showcase their multi-talents. One of the stunning aerial artists, Milena Straczynski, is an unusual quadruple threat: she can dance, perform breathtaking aerial (silks), character act, and most surprisingly, has a record-worthy RnB voice.
The token commedia dell’arte servant character, played by Spencer Novich, steals the show with his theatrical physicality and comic timing. Novich is the Fawlty Towers’ Manuel of Blanc de Blanc and his performance is impeccable.
There are so many things to enjoy about Blanc de Blanc, just as there are so many things to enjoy about champagne. And like champagne, I could consume it over and over again. Why don’t you experience it for yourself? It’s showing until September 24, 2016 at the Brisbane Festival.